How to improve post harvest conservation of fresh truffles II


Someone just ask me about the easiest way to preserve selflife of fresh truffles.
I just made a post about this two months ago, but from the same work, the easiest and best way is an ultrasonic bath (at 35 Hz) with 70% ethanol for 10 minutes.
Probably what they do in the minute 1:20 of this video of a Chilean company. I put the link just because I enjoyed this video to promote truffles in Chile. Well done!

This type of ultrasound devices are relatively inexpensive, but keep in mind that when you work for a certain period of time, they generate heat … this ultrasound is worth only $ 30:

Marcos S. Morcillo

About trufflefarming

CEO of Micofora. Truffles and edible wild mushroom science and farming. Researcher, truffle farmer & mycologist
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2 Responses to How to improve post harvest conservation of fresh truffles II

  1. Alex Fleming says:

    Thank you for this very interesting information. I was looking around here in Europe and the Chicago Electric cleaner does not seem to be available. I did find similar machines that work at 42Hz. In your opinion, would this make a difference?

    Kind regards

    • Thanks Alex for your comment.
      I just used the image of this ultrasound device, ’cause it was the one used in the chilean video, but of course, there are lots of better and more expensive ultrasound deviced that can be used. The idea is to help to clean the truffles, so the dirt and clay sometimes attached to the truffle surface easily follows with the ultrasound.
      All the best,

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