Ground penetrating radars for truffles


After my last post on truffle nests and soil scanners, some growers ask me about those devices…
Here you have a link to the lecture Giovanni Pacioni did in the last Truffle conference in 2013, from where I got these pictures:

Click to access session_2-2_7_pacioni-teruel2013_def.pdf

It is a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR System RIS K2/0), that it was used to check how truffle primordia was formed 8-10 days after the micelium suffers some stress. A few years ago to detect this primordia a technique of wet-sieving was used, but it was destructive. This stress was detected analyzing the increase of CO2 in the soil, due to the higher metabolism when micelium grows.
Marcos S. Morcillo


About trufflefarming

CEO of Micofora. Truffles and edible wild mushroom science and farming. Researcher, truffle farmer & mycologist
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